Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Conversations with Carleigh

Yesterday, we had a LOT of rain all morning and afternoon and in the evening. when it stopped raining briefly, Carleigh noticed something. She runs over to Matt and says "Daddy...a snake!" to which Matt gets up and looks on the sidewalk and sees and earthworm!! Ha Ha Ha!! We don't mind that kind of snake!

She used to LOVE bugs of all kinds, but lately, whenever she sees our toy tarantula or a plastic ladybug, she gets this scared expression on her face and runs to me and says "It's scary!"

We are trying to potty train her and whenever she says "Potty Mommy!" I run her to the bathroom. However, I think telling me this is her way of playing in the bathroom and being silly. *sigh* I WILL get her trained sometime this summer, Lord willing!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Ah, potty training. I forgot that I will be doing this again. Oh the joys of!