Friday, August 08, 2008


Yesterday, Cody and Carleigh got a little taste of what will happen starting late next week: Me-maw! Me-maw watched them half of a day while I was in first aid training at the high school. Let me tell you that the videos and practice was FUN FUN FUN for 3 hours. I can hardly contain my excitement! Carleigh did fairly well with Me-maw, but had one minor accident. She also didn't whine for me so that is good and she didn't whine at church on Wednesday night.

After dinner, I decided to go to a park for a little bit. We went to Ft. Liberty again since it is such a nice park and the temps where in the upper 70s and hardly any humidty! Woohoo! We had a fun time and then got ice cream at THE CONE. Matt loves that place because it has sugar-free sundaes. (He hardly ever finds a place that caters to diabetics!)

Last night we ended the evening with pony rides aka the back of Mommy! They kept wanting more "rides" and finally I had to stop and rest my back. 32 lbs of kid on your back is tiring!

Today, we are hanging around the house for the most part until the evening. We plan on going out to eat with my parents and then off to the grocery store. So far, Carleigh has been to the potty three times this morning and is dry. She is finally starting to get it! I am so glad that I didn't try to push her about 6 months ago because she really wasn't ready or aware of it.


Toni said...

Ugh! First aid training. I couldn't stand ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) and I was an RN, lol. I know how you feel. It's DRY DRY DRY learning that important stuff.

A Family Created By God said...

The videos were so funny because I think they put regular people in them and not actors. There were a couple of DUH moments!!