Thursday, August 14, 2008

This is what happens when Carleigh doesn't take a nap for Memaw!

Today was my first official day back to school. A day filled with boring I mean exciting teacher inservice meetings at the high school. Today was my mom's first full day of watching them since early June. Carleigh decides she will not take a nap for mom and so when she settles down to watch tv before dinner, this is what I found. I couldn't let her continue to sleep on her hands so I layed her flat. I have NEVER seen anyone fall asleep like that before!!!


Toni said...

ROFLOL! That is soooo adorable. Good thinking to grab the camera, Jen. When is your first day with the students? How many will you have? Praying you get a good group this year.

A Family Created By God said...

Thanks Toni!! My first day with students will be Tuesday. I have 19 in my class this with the majority of them being BOYS. Hmmmm!!