Thursday, July 09, 2009

A Very Boring Day Two

Day two started early for me but Cody didn't wake up until 8am and that was when the nurses starting coming round and checking out his vitals. I caught the first episode and pushed the button and a nurse was in this room in 2 seconds! I haven't heard anything if it was normal or not.

The day was VERY boring! We didn't have any special visitors like dogs or anything. Then, my mom, sister, Brittany and Brenda came up and visited in the evening. It gave me a moment of getting out of the hospital room, visiting the cafeteria and talking with adults. It was what I REALLY needed. I was bored out of my mind on Day 2!

This morning, I caught another episode and we are waiting to see the neurologist and see when we can leave. I hope we can leave tonight. I need a good night's sleep! Carleigh has been missing me big time and she will be coming up with Matt this evening.

Cody has been very quiet and subdued. Not sure if a little depression is setting in or his spirit is down because he cannot leave this confined space. I told him that we on our last day and hopefully he understands that. He kisses every nurse or aide that comes into the room. He is such a love bug!

Hopefully my next post will be filled with good news!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Poor baby. I bet he does feel gloomy because of the confusion and confinement. Can't wait for this test to be done. And poor Carleigh being frightened by the sight of him in a way she too could not understand. They looked so sweet together though.