Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Staying Productive

Today, the kids had OT/PT and on the way back, we were in a near accident when some driver decided to come into my lane without looking. Luckily the Lord was watching over us and I swerved and slammed on my breaks. My heart was absolutely racing! There was a car behind me and cars behind the other driver as well, it couldn't been a lot worse.

Matt had to work an extra hour late (of course I get the news AFTER I put the kids in their car seats!). After I picked him up, we grabbed dinner and we went to my school. Matt and the kids played on the playground for a bit and I worked in my classroom. The kids LOVE my school playground as it has two different playgrounds (one made exclusively for our preschoolers) and it is off of the beaten path with no other kids around. We decided to make it a Tuesday evening thing. Matt and the kids will go with me and I won't feel so lonely in the school by myself. Monday is my GAP (Get Acquainted Party) for my grade level. It is a pool party at a family's home. So I will get to officially meet some of the kids in my class there as well as talk to parents whom I have had some of their siblings in the past.

Wow! I have only 2 weeks of summer left! It goes by faster each year!

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