Monday, July 20, 2009

All About Carleigh

What can I say about Carleigh? Well, she is truly one-of-a-kind girl. She loves to help out! She helps her teachers, her daddy and me. She has the cutest smile and the best hair ever.

She is VERY strong-wiled and stubborn. It is Carleigh's way or the highway (or so SHE thinks)! She has become quite the talker. In fact, she rode home with my sister from a restaurant recently and Connie said that she talked NON-STOP! When they arrived back on the street, she said to Connie "Oh, we're back home again."

She is really creative and has become fascinated with cameras and taking pictures. She found an old disposable camera and now goes around taking our pictures. She also loves to go to parks. She would go right now if I would let her! LOL! She loves to swim although we haven't much opportunity this summer due to the weird cool weather.

She can be very loving and very mean at times (just to her big brother). She tries to look out of for "her Cody" most of the time.

Carleigh has really come out of her shell thanks to preschool. She is quite going, sometimes a bit TOO outgoing, but it makes her personality.

She LOVES school and cannot wait to go back soon. Her favorite shows are "SpongeBob," "Dora," "Wipeout," and "Jack's Music Show." She is into princesses now and her new backpack has princesses on them. She is doing REALLY well with potty training and is officially trained! She has made AMAZING progress in all areas and I am so proud of my daughter!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Great post! We have a very strong willed child as well. Uh hem, VERY! But she too will be mean, then be so incredibly sweet as well. Oh, to know just how to work with their bents. ;)