Monday, September 15, 2008

Still no power!

Alas, it is almost 8pm and we still do not have power here. Less than a mile away in another city, they have power. So how did I spend my birthday you ask? Bored out of my mind! I was glad to have the day off from teaching, however, without electricity, I could not do anything productive like laundry, dishes, cleaning. The kids entertained themselves well which goes to show that they do not need television or anything electronic to keep them entertained.

This is how yesterday went:

We arrive home from our weekend trip to winds increasing in speed. Then, my mom and I head out to find a store that has electricity. Kmart did so I bought some needed items. When we journey home, a tree had fallen in the middle of the road and we have to swerve into the other part of the lane. Then, Matt told us that we had no power. He didn't get to watch the Bengals game that he loves so much!

We watched the winds that were 70 mph break 1/3 of the branches on our front tree. These branches snapped our telephone lines and cable line. So, no power, telephone or cable. I quickly get on my battery laptop and get the telephone company to come out ASAP.

Then my sister and friends and I decide to have a grill out since we had no other dinner options.

Afterwards, it was bath by candlelight for the kids...another exciting and fun time for Matt and I. We listened to the radio while I shined the flashlight and we made shadow animals. Carleigh thought it was scary. It has really tramatized her with the winds and trees falling. She said "It's scary! The tree fell!" "It broke."

We slept with the windows open and had a great cool breeze. Matt had to go into work so we were up around 6am and the kids were awake shortly after.

My mom found a McDonalds and brought the kids and I breakfast. Lunch was not the best and we ate at fast food for dinner. Krogers was a mob scene and they ran out of ice 2 minutes before I bought some. Grrrrr! I did get a cookie cake to celebrate my 32nd birthday. We still do not have power and schools are closed for Tuesday as well.

I will post weekend pictures when the power comes back on!

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