Saturday, September 06, 2008

Out of the mouths of preschoolers

Yesterday, my mom was backing out of our driveway and there was a truck on the other side of the street. Carleigh became concerned for Memaw and said "Oh, don't hit it Memaw!" I told her that Memaw could drive really well and that she wouldn't hit it. She didn't stop until mom was safely up the street.

This evening, Cody found food that was apparently given to Carleigh. He quickly shoved it into his mouth and when I asked him what he was eating he said "Mmmmm...good!" and then rubbed his belly!!

Oh, I forgot to add in my other post that we saw a light orange fox cross the street! It was beautiful and at first Matt and my dad thought I was crazy so we went down to our neighbors and there he was! I haven't seen a fox so up close before let alone seeing one on our street. You just never know what you are going to see or hear on our little dead-end street.


Toni said...

I love the things they come up with. Precious and funny at the same time. We saw a fox in our neighborhood too (and a dear; totally residential development). Didn't get to see the fox close up, but could see he was stealing the duck eggs around the pond. >:(

A Family Created By God said...

It's never a dull moment with preschoolers!!

Toni said...

Dear? Did I type dear? I meant DEER (duh!)