Monday, September 08, 2008

So proud!

I have to post another brag about Cody! He has been drinking through straws!! To most that really isn't a big deal but Cody has dysphagia and it makes it such a HUGE deal when he conquered this! We bought him Spongebob cups with straws. And last night at church....he was drinking out of a juice box successfully!! Wooohoo! We are going to buy some juice boxes this weekend. I think we can start burying his old bottles! Yay.....we have been washing bottles for over 4.5 years straight! Now if we could just get rid of diapers, all would be wonderful!!!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Oh my! That is WONDERFUL. My kids haven't always reached milestones "on schedule" either (Reece still can't stay dry through the night due to his CP). You know, they're on God's time and so we celebrate their accomplishments. Raising a child with special needs grows us sooo much. I know my heart is more tender because of it. NO accomplishment is taken for granted. I see them all, eyes wide open, as I know you do. To that end, WAY TO GO, CODE-MAN!!!