Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Biggest Loser & Perfection

*Warning: This is a MOMMY post, no kids mentioned!*

I am a BIG fan of Biggest Loser, in fact, I have debated on applying for it. I would be on the edge of qualifying. I would love to join it with another special lady or two (who reads this blog and I am not going to reveal her name!). Maybe one of these days I will apply. Who knows???

It is amazing how much weight the men and women lose on that show and how they are changing their lives around. If I could just get some of the cooking training, I would be set! I really do need to lose at least 60 lbs and this could really improve my life: I could go off blood pressure pills and could help my thyroid levels as well. I have hypothryoidism as well as hhelping PCOS get under control (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which causes my infertility. Boy, am I an unhealthy person or what???!! It is depressing being on certain meds at age 32!

I am not trying to create perfection because honestly, no one could have the perfect body. I just want to get healthy and eliminate taking so many meds. I also want to have more energy that I need to chase two very active preschoolers! So, yes, I am going public with my need to lose weight. Now I just have to crack open my Weight Watchers guides and get started!!

Speaking of perfection, I always try to be as perfect as possible: at work, when working on my Master's Degree, and throughout other areas. It has brought MAJOR stress into my life. (For example, I would get physically sick to my stomach until I received every grade while working in my Master's program. And yes, I received an A+ on everything being the Summa Cum Laude girl that I am.) However, I have really been studying it and thinking about perfection in the Bible. As I tell my students in class, "Although we try to be perfect, no one is. The Lord is the only one who is perfect. We can try to be perfect, but we will always fall short." I have been trying to follow my own advice and it has eased a lot of stress in my life. Everything does not have to be perfect. As long as my family, friends, and I are happy, that is all that matters. Why sweat over the small things??!!

Normally I discuss things like that on my Xanga blog, but I felt that I need to blog on more than just Cody and Carleigh and talk about me sometimes.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Praying that God will inspire a clear path regarding this desire, Jen. Due to various health risks, I made big changes in our family's diet this summer. It was bumpy at first. I had a challenge with the prep time, finding "strange" ingredients, and coming up with meals that were well received. Likewise, my family struggled with not having their favorite (but unhealthy) foods, and with being open minded about new and different foods. But over the course of the summer, this change has fallen into place.

The unplanned natural result of shifting toward a plant based diet (the route I decided on) has been weight loss, lowered blood pressure (dh was borderline and is now in the normal range), a noticeable increase in energy and, for me, absence of digestive problems (I've suffered from severe stomach pain after certain meals for years).

If you decide to add more plant based, whole foods meals to your diet in the future, let me know. I'm up for trading recipes that the kids (and hubbies too) will eat. Carl still likes his chicken once a week or so, so he either orders a chicken salad while out or I occasionally make it for him at home.