Thursday, November 13, 2008

Teacher Inservices

Today and tomorrow are teacher inservice days for our school. My co-teacher Joanne and I are going to Fairfield North Elementary which is my old stomping grounds. I went to school there my entire elementary years of Kindergarten through 5th grade. No doubt it will bring nostalgia!! We are observing a dynamic first grade teacher there who does a program that we do in our school. I am looking forward to it. Then, Joanne and I are going out to lunch somewhere at Bridgewater Falls. I love going to restaurants WITHOUT children so it will definitely be a treat and a rarity. I should be home early which will make my mom's day.

Tomorrow, we have inservice training at the high school for the morning *yawn* and then back to the elementary school for the afternoon. I am hoping to be home a "little" bit earlier than I normally due than during a typical school day. The students have had ALOT of days off and we teachers are sooooo looking forward to Thanksgiving Break...5 days off sounds like Heaven to me!!


4Me2Know said...

Yep, 5 days off sounds perfectly delicious. I don't take a Thanksgiving break, other than the day itself. However, we did have a full week break to go to Tucson last month so I don't really get a Thanksgiving break, do I? (hmmmf!)

So tell me more about the 1st grade teacher. What is she doing? And what gets covered during inservice days? Policy and procedure "stuff"? My cousin is an elementary principal in MD and I always mean to ask her that.

A Family Created By God said...

Come to find out that we did get to watch a second grade teacher...a male teacher which is rare and he was awesome! He uses a smartboard in almost every subject. It is cool to see graphics, music, and of course writing on the smartboard in different colors and how it is very interactive. Really great for different types of learners. Tomorrow, we have a Bible class and then a discussion on what we learned, etc. Sometimes inservice we have speakers come in or we review procedures, etc.

Toni said...

I don't know about the smart boards. I'll have to google that.
And that is sooo cool about your teacher remembering you and still teaching today. I would LOVE to revisit several of my elementary teachers (though they might not want to revisit me, lol.)