Thursday, November 20, 2008

Playing with blocks

When I came home today, Carleigh and I decided to build a garage for her Hot Wheel cars and other assortment of vehicles. Cody was snoozing because he refused to take a nap for Memaw (seeing a pattern here?). I snapped a few pics. (I got new batteries for my camera.)


Toni said...

She looks so proud. My Reece would totally be on board for that game. Btw, thanks for sharing the bilibo info. We're thinking Reece will like it. Yes, he's 7. But he's a very small little guy, socially delayed and LOVES making tunnels and using containers for his marbles. The fact that he could also sit and spin in it would also be right up his ally. Looks like we could get free shipping on Amazon so I think we may just do that.

A Family Created By God said...

You are very welcome!!