Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cody and his piano obsession!

Last night, I was on my laptop while the kids were watching cartoons. Of course Cody has to come over and check out what I am doing. Mostly I check email, update my blog, check out facebook/friends' blogs and check out the discussion boards that I moderate and frequent. EVERYTIME that I am on my blog at home Cody can sense it and sits down next to me and says "Find Piano." He KNOWS about the 2005 December entries where there are pics of his old piano. Most of the time I try to ignore his pleas, but last night, he said THREE WORDS "Where is piano?" I looked over at Matt and asked him, "Did you hear that?" I have never heard Cody use the word "where" before!

So, I pull it up on the archives and he just starts talking away. I never knew that showing Cody his old piano or other pianos would spark such a language explosion. He was talking up a storm! He was talking to fast that sometimes I didn't understand what he was saying. So, I just may have to use this to get him to talk more. I can't even describe it because he was looking me in the eyes and talking to me and when I was talking to him he was looking me in the eyes really strongly and listening to every word I say. It makes this mommy heart proud! I think we have made a breakthrough with his communication skills.

Oh, and guess what happened yesterday in our "Glasses Saga?" Well, my mom let Cody wear them after school and he broke the arm/elbow of the glasses. We can't have them fixed until Wednesday so he will be glasses-free for a few days. *sigh*

1 comment:

Toni said...

"Oh no!" on the glasses. But "Oh, yes!!!" on the language progress. That's awesome, Jen. How totally endearing that it was over his beloved piano too. Sounds like he loves that toy as much as my Reece loves his marbles. Way to go, Cody.