Thursday, November 13, 2008

Something very neat!

I had a BLAST observing a second grade teacher at my old elementary school. Boy did it bring back memories!! I was showing Joanne some of my old rooms and it is amazing that I remembered where they were. The coolest thing was that my seond grade teacher was STILL teaching and the guy that we were observing walked us over to her classroom and I got to say hi to her and she remembered me! How cool is that??!! He had a smartboard in his classroom and can I say how JEALOUS I am? Now I need to write some grants and get my school on board to get one of those really cool toys. It was amazing to see all the fun and educational tools that he used with his second graders!! We had a fun time and he has a really nice class. Then, we went out to lunch and I was home around 1pm. Wooohoo! Of course tomorrow won't be as exciting, but boy did we learn alot.

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