Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cabin Fever

The kids and I had cabin fever REALLY bad by Thursday evening. When I got the call that our school would be closed on Friday, I was dumbfounded. I had REALLY wanted to go back yesterday, but it wasn't going to happen.

I have never felt so excited about going to the grocery store last night! We went out to dinner and then went shopping. The kids did well and I think it changed all of our attitudes for the better.

This morning, I had to go to Lebanon for a Spelling Bee. I was in the third grade Spelling Bee and was amazed at the kids' spelling abilities. I don't think I could've spelled works like copyright, execution, physical, education, and absurd in third grade. Kudos to the kids! My former student who is in 4th grade now came in 3rd place! My current student came in 5th. It's amazing how great spellers they were!

We were going out to dinner tonight with Matt's parents. I was trying to get Carleigh to put her shoes on, so of course, she and I disagree on what shoes to wear (Yep, it's starting ALREADY!). She thinks that it is perfectly fine to wear flip flops in January, in the freezing winter with snow and ice on the ground. She says "I wear flip flops Mommy!" She took her shoes off (which she does ALL the time) in the van last night and found the flip flops in the van, puts them on and she demands she wear them into the house. Oh my! The clothing battle has begun.

We found out that our church services are canceled due to the parking lots. So we will be staying home which will feel very weird! Then we are hosting a Super Bowl party with our friends Shannon and Niki. Go Cardinals!!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Olivia came in 3rd this year in our National Spelling Bee competition. She wasn't willing to study. We did go over the words but she would not take the initiative to study on her own. I wouldn't force her to either, as my own goal was to give her the experience of being in front of a group of people and having to respond in a spontaneous manner. I wonder what she could have accomplished had she actually applied herself.