Monday, February 02, 2009

Carleigh the Fashionista

Tonight, I was bored so I french braided my hair. This really intrigued Carleigh. I asked her would she like me to braid her hair and she said yes. She nor I had the patience tonight for a full french braid so I gave her two braids swooping them together like a chignon. And guess what? She kept it in ALL evening, in fact, she fell asleep with them in so she will be having wavy hair in the morning. *LOL* We are making progress because she does not want me to fix her hair. Hopefully she is maturing and will let me style her hair. Her hair is absolutely gorgeous and she has the most beautiful tint of blonde. It would look just stunning in french braids and heart braids.

We were playing with hair bows and pony tails and Cody came over and said "My turn!" He did not understand why we didn't put his hair in braids or pony tails. Of course his hair is so short that it is virtually impossible to get a pony tail going but I did put a tiny, baby pony tail in the front part. (Didn't get a pic because it didn't last long!) He got so mad that we didn't fix his hair. Oh my!

Notice Carleigh's fashion....she is sporting one flip flop and one black dress shoe. She does NOT get her style from her mother!

1 comment:

Toni said...

She looks sooo sweet. Too funny about Cody too. :D