Monday, January 26, 2009

Popcorn Kernel Saga....

My mom calls me not to late after my students leave for the day. She tells me that she fears that Carleigh has shoved a popcorn kernel up her nose. I tell mom to get a Qtip and try to get it out. This causes Carleigh's nose to bleed slightly and thus a very disturbed 3 year old. I come home and Carleigh was upset and acting weird. I try to get a look at it and cannot tell if anything is up there.

I call the pediatrician for advice and they suggested bringing her in. Matt takes her in and kills two birds with one stone: they check her nose and her ears (she has a follow-up tomorrow to check her ears and I suggested them to check it now so we don't have to go back in tomorrow). Well, the ped cannot find the popcorn kernel. So..... it is either wedged up so high that she will need to go to an ENT or it fell out when my mom wasn't looking. We are praying for the latter. The dr was feeling pretty good that it fell out, but we have to keep an eye on her nose and it she starts to get a runny nose, it is still in there and we will have to go to an ENT specialist. Just lovely! There is never a dull moment in this household!!

And the exciting news is that we are supposed to get our first real snowfall with an expected 3-5 inches by tomorrow morning and then another round Tuesday night into Wednesday. I would love to have two snow days!! I really need some time to spend with my two and of course work on Mt. Laundry that was neglected since I had to work yesterday.

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Oh, poor baby. I "lost" a pea up my nose once. Not pretty. And Mt. Laundry cracked me up. I have my own majestic "landscape" to behold as well, lol.