Sunday, January 04, 2009

Preparing for normalcy

I wish I could rewind the past 2 weeks and start all over again! I have really enjoyed these past 2 full weeks plus 3 weekends. The hardest part is getting up early and missing my two kiddos. Cody and Carleigh are VERY excited to go back and I am so glad that they love school!

I am looking forward to playing on the SmartBoard I am getting and learning how to use it with my class. Hopefully it won't be too difficult to figure out. I am so excited about all the possibilities with it and hopefully will eliminate extra worksheets (yuck)!

My students and the teachers get to wear sweatsuits tomorrow which is exciting since our school has a uniform policy. I just hope I don't get too comfortable and fall asleep during my break! HaHaHaa

So, this evening, I am getting the backpacks ready, clothes laid out, lesson plans finished, and become mentally prepared for a full week of school. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I haven't thought about school or my students for 2 weeks, but I REALLY needed that mental break as teaching does get VERY stressful!

The next day off is Martin Luther King Jr day in two weeks so these 2 weeks will fly by! And also, a special little boy will be having a birthday in less than 2 weeks!!!


Toni said...

I think it's perfectly natural that you shifted focus to your own sweet children and family these past few weeks. So glad it was refreshing and memorable for you. That's as it should be.

I haven't had the holiadays off from homeschooling, due to Carl's work schedule (we break when he's on vacation from work), but most of my homeschool friends are, like you, trying to get back into the routine of school again. I'm focusing on the fact that after next week, half our year will be done. Woohoo! Well, I'm glad that half the school year will be done, but not really glad that another half year of their years at home will be gone, ya know? :(
Anyway, hope it's an easy transition back to work for you.

A Family Created By God said...

It wasn't too bad today, it was hard just getting up. It felt so weird because I hadn't thought about any school over the break and I hope this summer, I can do the same and just take a mind-break!! Cody and Carleigh had fun today so I am glad that they are back and of course everyone does better on a regular routine!