Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Germs Continue

Cody's health went downhill Sunday night. He has battled a fever since late Sunday evening up until now. The poor guy has had to miss 2 days of Kindergarten. This evening, he started chasing Matt and Carleigh around so hopefully he is on the mend. My sinus infection is in full force and I lost my voice a couple of times earlier in the classroom. (Not good!) Now if I can voice record some Smartboard lessons that I just figured out how to do, that would have helped me today! Luckily I had taken a half-day to take the kiddos to the Dentist. Yes, I took Cody sick but he was fever free at the time. He has two loose front teeth so we have to watch them and pull them out when needed since Cody won't understand what is going on. Both kids have no cavities and Carleigh did a fabulous job with her teeth were being cleaned. I love that office because all the staff is so gentle and kid-friendly.

Cody seems to be feeling better this evening..in fact he was chasing Matt and Carleigh around. Now if I could just get better, all would be great!


Toni said...

Ugh! We all need to get well already and catch spring fever.

A Family Created By God said...

Yes we do! Unfortunately snow is on the forecast this weekend!