Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another Snow Day!

As of last night, I went to bed with a 2 hour delay as most schools had. I received a phone call around 6am saying that our school was closed! Yipppee!!! Of course I would have liked not getting startled at 5:30am with a phone call since they were delayed anyway. Ugh! Okay, what is the purpose of delaying when you are going to close school at 5:30am?! Crazy!!

Today, the kids and I are making Valentine's Day crafts, Cody finished his homework, baking brownies for the kids, and then I am getting caught up on grading/schoolwork and housework (cleaning, laundry, cooking). I think I have cooked for almost one whole week straight and yes the food supplies are diminishing!

Last night, I looked out and the snow was coming down yet again, but with the crazy, strong winds, it looked like a blizzard! I made the mistake of opening our door and was blasted with cold blowing snow in my face instantly. The winds are still strong and are blowing the snow all over the place. So much for my nicely shoveled driveway!

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