Thursday, February 04, 2010

Nothing new to report

A few of my readers have commented that I haven't been posting as much. We have been busy with germs, however, there really hasn't been any exciting or cute news to report. Carleigh is hoping to get a big snowstorm this weekend so she can play it. Of course, yesterday she reported that she has a princess shovel? I have NO IDEA where she came up with that one! Matt and I looked at each other when she said that! What is she talking about?

Earlier that day, my mom and the kids were at the bus stop waiting for the bus. Cody leans over to mom and says "Mammaw, house!" This means that he was thinking he was going to her house again since he was there on Monday and Tuesday due to having a fever. Mom told him that he was going to school. Then Carleigh chimes in and says "Mamaw, I don't want to go to school. I want to go to YOUR house!" Out of the mouth of babes!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Princess shovel? HA! She's such a creative little thing. Love her.