Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Final Thoughts For the Year

Well, I survived the heat and humidity of the picnic yesterday and having Field Day INDOORS today thanks to the rain! (grumbling!) As I sit here writing my students' new teacher on their final report card, I can't help to get a little sad. This was a good class. Of course I had a few odd and challenging few, but overall, this class was funny and unique. Glancing at the yearbook and seeing photos of field trips and Egypt Day, it made me a little weepy.

Tomorrow will be the last day that they will ever be in my classroom as my student. I hope I can make it through the awards ceremony without tears (I am NOT a crier, especially not in front of hundreds of people-parents, teachers, students.) My biggest hope and prayer is that they enjoyed my class and that they were able to see Jesus through me and remember all the mornings we prayed for our families and friends and scrapes and bruises and pets.

Yes, I am ready to be out, but there is just something about the finality of the last day of's bittersweet if you are a teacher. You are glad that the year is over and that you can rest, but sad knowing that your students will be moving up and they will never truly be your student again. *sigh*

1 comment:

Toni said...

I'm a very nostalgic, sentimental person. I totally hear you. Sometimes I think about my Olivia going into 5th grade and I think, "Really? Did we really already do 3rd or 4th grade?" It makes me sad. :(