Sunday, June 07, 2009

11 Years

Yesterday was Matt and my 11th anniversary! Wow! It seems like yesterday that we were married! We met June 15, 1996 on the porch of the home where we NOW live. Crazy, huh?!! Who would think that 13 years later, we would be celebrating our 11th anniversary and have two kids?

Last night, Matt's parents came over and watched the kids while we went to Acapulco (Mexican Restaurant), played 18 holes at Golf Mountain and then picked up ice cream on the way back. It soooo reminded me of our dating years. One of our first dates was going miniature golfing!

For our 10th anniversary we went to Brown County, Indiana for 3 days. It was hard leaving Cody and Carleigh behind for that long, but it was nice to relax and spend time together.

When we arrived home last night, the kids were glad to see us and then became instantly hyper. Carleigh told Memaw that she and Memaw were going to play in the sand. (We have been talking about Michigan to her.) She also has been talking about being a flower girl and what she has to do. I think she will make the cutest flower girl EVER! Tonight, I am fixing her hair in a braided bun so that I can "practice" before the main event on Saturday.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Happy belated 'versary!!!