Monday, December 28, 2009

Clutter be gone!

I could not stand the toy clutter nor the fact that my living room looked like a toy store blew up in it therefore, this afternoon, we did a clean sweep. I tackled Cody's bedroom first and threw out 2 large garbage bags of broken/old toys. Then I moved in some of his new toys and organized some of his favorite old toys. Then the living room disaster was next. That was quite a job, but since Carleigh is a great helper, I had her climb under and behind the couches to find any toy or sock or piece of trash. She did a great job! When she was finished, she remarked "Boy, I am thirsty!" To which she was rewarded with a cup of water!

It feels great to have my living room back (and yes the Christmas tree is already down!) and I always feel so much better with a clean, clutter free room. Now tomorrow's job is to tackle my bedroom and work on lots of laundry and clothes organization. I am so glad to have this week off to take care of the house that was badly neglected due to the holidays and working. Hopefully I get all the tasks done before I go back next week!


Toni said...

I wish I had your determination when it comes to managing your free time. But a bit of you does rub off on me in the way of motivation so that's good. Way to go on organzing and reducing the clutter. All our Christmas stuff is down now except the outside lights.

A Family Created By God said...

The only time I am motivated is when I am off on vacation! I just wish I had another week because I could get a dozen more "projects" finished!

Toni said...
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Toni said...

Yes, but that's the thing. You DO use vacation productively to make big dents in things that need attention. I, otoh, always want to "relax" or "have fun" on Carl's vacation (a.k.a. slug the time away, lol.)