Friday, December 04, 2009


Matt and I have been facing some setbacks, car troubles, and just some valleys of life. It's so tough when a bunch of problems all hit you at the same time and you feel like WHAT NOW? I am so very thankful for my Lord and Savior. Without Him, I would have sunk YEARS ago.

Matt's car died on the top of a dangerous road on Tuesday evening coming back from the kids' OT/PT. Thankfully, a wonderful young man helped Matt pull the car off the hill and into a parking lot. Thankfully, my mom and dad live on that street and so Matt took the kids down there until I could come and get them. I just shudder to think what could've happened to my family! There is no doubt that the Lord's protective wings were upon them.

So now, we are down to one van and must start looking for car #2. The timing in all of this stinks, but we have to get something soon as my dad is taking me to work each morning and Matt is picking me up. It works for now, but we definitely need another car. Plus Matt is working so much overtime and the poor guy has to be at work at 4:30am! Ick! This week he will have put in 56 hours and worked 6 days. We think this will be the new norm for awhile. Argh!

We are hoping and praying these valleys are short-term, but would appreciate prayer.

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