Friday, August 07, 2009

The quiet of just one

My parents decided to keep Cody overnight on his first ever sleep-over. (They tried last year but he was still too young and he wouldn't go to sleep for them.) I think this time it will be better because he has matured so much this year. Of course Cody is the King in their house as he is the only grandson. He has his Papaw wrapped around his little finger and would get anything he wanted if he asked for it.

Carleigh has had her share of sleepovers with my parents before and poor Cody has been so jealous. My sister is supposed to have her over soon and Carleigh cannot wait.

It was so strange having just one child this evening....much more quiet! When they are together, the squeals, laughter and cries are amplified. They love to get each other going by running around and squealing at the top of their lungs.

Carleigh kept asking "Is Cody back?" "Where is Cody?" Although she bugs him to no end, she still cares about her brother.

She is looking forward to going to the park tomorrow as we are having a cookout with Matt's family. Hopefully the weather will stay nice...

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