Thursday, August 20, 2009

I survived!

Well, I survived the first day! It went well! I think the biggest challenge is having so many boys! Honestly, there is no way to separate them! I have 13 boys and 6 girls! There is just not many girls at this grade level (or 3rd grade for that matter). I have a few "squirrely" ones, but nothing that I can't handle. I have many BRIGHT children which is always fun because I can challenge them with lots of fun activities.

I came home VERY tired and fell asleep on the couch! I had insomnia the night before (I ALWAYS do) so it took less than 5 minutes for me to head to Dreamland last night!

We are now looking forward to the BIG DAY in our household. Monday is the BIG DAY in our family! Mr. Codeman goes to Kindergarten and his Daddy gets to take him and take pictures. (Yes, I have to train Matt to take good pics. Photography 101 will happen this weekend!)

1 comment:

Toni said...

Photography 101. ROFL!!! Leave it to us women/moms to give them lessons for such moments. LOVE it. Glad your first day went well. And wow, that's'lotta boys!