Monday, August 24, 2009

Cody's First Day of Kindergarten

Cody had a great day at Kindergarten! He had 1/3 of his class (like 6 or 7 students) with him. While he was getting to know his teacher, Matt was with other parents during "orientation." The note from his teacher said that Cody did a great job sitting at circle time and he followed directions on the playground. He also had a snack provided today. Starting on Thursday (his next day of school), I have to provide a simple snack for him each day and he will also begin to ride the bus to school.

Such a big milestone!! I didn't sleep well last night just thinking about HIS first day (not mine! LOL!)! It's all about Cody today!

Since Carleigh was not in the spotlight today, she built a tower with cups and wanted me to take her picture. (She will be green with envy until next Monday which is HER first day back to preschool.)


Toni said...

He looks so grown up for his big day (sniffle, sniffle). I can't believe it, Jen. K? Really??? It's the most accurate cliche EVER. They really do grow up soooo fast.

And giggles on Carleigh wanting her picture taken. That happens here ALL the time, lol. She is looking so grown up lately as well. Cutie that she is.
p.s. had our first day of homeschool today. It went very well, all things considered (except for the sleep factor here as well.)

A Family Created By God said...

I hear ya! I am in MAJOR denial over Cody in K! Congrats on your new school year! I hear ya about sleep issues.