Monday, August 10, 2009

A Crazy-Busy Day!

This morning started at 6:30am....a little early for the summer, but late for a school day! After my babysitter arrived, I headed to Wally World (aka Walmart) for some mounting squares that I needed for my classroom. Let me tell you that it was soooo easy finding a great parking spot, no crowds and I didn't have to wait in line. I need to do my Walmart shopping at 8am ALL THE TIME!

I started to work in my classroom and then someone tells me that they are cleaning my classroom carpet TODAY. I had a parent helper there and so we brought all of the stuff out of the classroom and began working in the gym. I am so blessed to have a mom that is such a great helper! I had her older son in my class 3 years ago and now I have her youngest son.

I stayed until 1pm and then headed home for a quick lunch and then off to take Cody to his eye appointment. The doctor thinks that his lazy eye will correct IF he wears his glasses. Let me tell you that it is QUITE a challenge to get Cody to wear his glasses or his eye patch. *sigh*

On the way home, I saw the big storm forming as I was driving on the highway. I started to drive faster as I didn't want to get caught in that nasty storm. Thankfully, we arrived about 1 minute before it began!

The kids watched me cut out more things from laminate and then after supper I went to school again. I got alot accomplished with posters, cutting, getting another student desk, decorating the door, and organizing student desks. I also had my student teacher and her friend come and they also cut out laminated things for me. I am so excited to have a student teacher for the first 10 weeks of school!

I worked until about 10:30 pm and then called it a night. It can be quite creepy in the school at night, but I always lock myself into my classroom and feel secure.

Tomorrow is less busy with a doctor appointment for me and then possibly some swimming afterwards (weather permitting). Tuesday - Thursday are my last days off with the kids, so I am planning to do some fun things with them.

I can't believe my summer vacation is over!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

That is sooo cool that you get a student teacher for TEN weeks. Woohoo! Do you ask for them, or do you have a say in whether or not one comes in? Or is it mandatory that you accept one when assigned to you? Just curious how they handle it.