Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prayers Please

Two nights from now, I will be up from 2am on trying to keep a very sleepy boy from falling back to sleep. Cody's EEG is scheduled for Friday and it is a sleep-deprived EEG. We will put Cody to bed at his regular bedtime and then wake him up at 2am. I am going to be prepared with mindless, um his favorite videos of Yo Gabba Gabba, Sesame Street and SpongeBob. I will probably be online to keep myself awake or doing my Daniel Bible Study homework. His appointment is at 7am, but he and I have to be there at 6:30am. *sigh*

We are hoping there will be results on this test as I really do not want to stay 3 days in Children's over my summer vacation. (Here is a secret that most people do not know, I have NEVER been hospitalized and stayed overnight in a hospital and I really do not want to have to do this while Cody has to undergo a 3 day test.) We are just praying and hoping that the results show what is best for Cody and what we can do to help him.

So, if you are up between 2am - 7am EST on Friday, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Toni said...

I've never been hospitalized for anything either. I've stayed overnight though (working the 7p to 7:30a shift as an RN, that is). :D

I do hope you get results. As I said previously, I did (and that was after 2 years of not being able to identify my seizures).

happyadoptingmom said...

I will be praying for you.