Wednesday, April 08, 2009

More and more doctor appointments!

I think I have spent more time at a doctor's office this week than at home! Today, Cody has his DPV appointment with his pediatrician. Cody has now been officially diagnosed with ADHD and will be taking meds to control his extreme energy level. It will be a slow start at first with a half-pill and then going to a full pill next week after I call and talk to the pediatrician.

He is also seeing some signs of possible PDD-NOS or signs of slight Autism so we have a referral to see a Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrician at Children's. It should be a 6 - 9 month process before we know if he has PDD-NOS or Autism. I am highly thinking he has PDD-NOS based on what I have researched over the past 2-3 years. I am very glad to see a doctor who really wants to find out what Cody has, especially since he is starting Kindergarten in the fall. Every diagnosis can help with his education and treatment if we catch it early.

Although Cody may have a slew of diagnoses or labels, he is the SWEETEST, MOST LOVING, little boy on the planet. God has truly designed him special for a very special reason and we just love him so much!!

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