Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Little Sneak...

Yesterday, I was resting and de-stressing from the workday (standardized testing, need I say more?!!). Cody was watching tv and Matt hadn't arrived home yet. So, I decided to close my eyes on the couch for a few minutes, little did I know that Carleigh was up to her antics again. She became very quiet which signals HUGE WARNING SIGNS that she is doing something she shouldn't. I remember that this means she is up to no good and find her underneath the end table with something in her little hands. I ask her what she has and she ignores me. I move her fingers and find a small box of Junior Mints that someone gave me with a little note of encouragement. Well, I had that in my teacher bag and the "Little Sneak" must have gotten into my teacher bag again (for like the hundredth time) and decided to take a little snack before dinner. I did manage to get the last 2 mints which REALLY made her angry.

Matt said that what MADE his birthday was hearing Cody sing "Happy Birthday, Daddy!" He DID sing it to him and sang most of the words. It brings tears to your eyes if you were in that room! I am going to have to videotape some of Cody talking. He is making such progress and we are so proud of our little pirate!


happyadoptingmom said...

Praise the Lord Cody was able to sing to him!!!

Toni said...

We have sneaks too. ;) I can see Miss Carleigh brooding over "her" 2 mintes that you "dared" to take away. LOL!

And I completely understand your sentiment when you describe the joy of Cody singing. He is dear to my heart as well because I remember the whole story of his joining your family and we live with some special needs of our own here. Cody, can't wait to hear you sing, little man!