Friday, February 20, 2009

Very Scary Moment at School

And no, I do not mean Tradetown or a parent conference! (*LOL*) My class was taking a math test and I was at my desk checking someone's test paper when a student came up and said that a little girl was on the floor. I walk over and there she was seizing on the floor. I am watching her and when she doesn't respond, I go over the phone and call down our secretary as our nurse was out sick (go figure!). She comes down and cannot get her to respond either so 9-1-1 was called.

My principal comes down and suggests I take the kids out of the classroom. So, I quickly decided to take them to the library and pop in a video on Egypt. The paramedics come and take her but wanted to talk to me about what happened. My class was VERY traumatized and thought they could catch it. Luckily, my room mom is an RN and talked to them about it at the end of the day. I still haven't received an update on her but her vitals were good when they were loading into the ambulance.

I have NEVER ever in my life ever have anything like this happen in my classroom as well as having 18 other students see this happen! I also have not ever seen a grand mal seizure and boy was that an experience. We prayed for her and they all were very concerned. They are such a sweet, caring class. It took awhile for us to regroup our thoughts and finish that math test.

What an afternoon!


Toni said...

The RN room mom likely already told you, but if this happens again (anywhere with anyone), a few things can be done.
-gently roll the person on their side so they don't aspirate if they vomit
-put something soft under their head (rolled sweater for example)
-note the time it started and stopped (seizures under 5 minutes are, generally speaking, not serious unless injury occurs).
-Don't put anything in their mouth (this is misinformation that has been circulated about seizures)

I can imagine how disturbing this was for you to witness, and even more so for your poor little students. :( But you did the right thing in calling 911, especially for a child who doesn't have a history of seizures. That's quite scary. I do hope she is okay. Sadly, unless they are febrile in nature , the definite cause of most seizure disorders cannot be identified. :O

A Family Created By God said...

Thanks for all the info Toni! I am so glad that we teachers have to keep our American Red Cross First Aid Training and CPR each year. I knew exactly what it was and cleared the area around her. They did keep her overnight for testing. She had a seizure about 5 years ago but have never had anymore. It was very scary!

Toni said...

I'm sure it was unsettling for her parents, for her to have another seizure so many years apart. Hopefully it's something she'll completely outgrow. I was successfully weined off seizure meds for complex partial seizures about 11 years ago.

You know, CPR training wasn't a big thing back when I was of babysitting age. However, I want any youth sitters for our children to have that training. It's definitely helpful in these situations.