Friday, February 20, 2009

Potty Training 2

We have been potty training Carleigh for some time now. She has good days and then others are not so good. She has been doing much better with telling us when she needs to go. Well, Cody's teacher emailed me yesterday saying that Cody gestured that he needy to go potty and he said "pee pee" went over to his backpack to get out a diaper and took her to the bathroom. Wooohoo! This means that we will start introducing the potty with him too. No one knows the depth of my joy if BOTH get potty trained. I have been changing diapers for over 5 years STRAIGHT and it will make everyone happy when this stage is over!

His teacher also told me that she has finally noticed a hand domination. Cody is a....... lefty! Just like his sister, dad, and Mamaw! I am now the only right handed person in the family.

I am doing a little better but will feel better when I get this day over as we have some exhausting things to do at the end of the school day today. *sigh*

1 comment:

Toni said...

Yay, Cody!