Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Another snowstorm

means more makeup days for this teacher! ARgh! The weather people just cannot forecast here! We were SUPPOSED to get an inch or less and more in Northern Kentucky but no, we got NAILED with 5-6 more inches of snow! Luckily, I decided to leave work right at 3:45pm. The major roads were fine then but when I got near the airport, yikes! It was awful!! It took me 20 minutes which normally takes me about 10 minutes with good traffic and no trains. My co-worker left 30 minutes later and then it took her 2.5 hours to get home. I cannot imagine how long it took some teachers who stay until 5pm normally! Crazy!

We have had 5 snow days plus 3 days off in September due to the windstorm that knocked out electricity from Sunday - Wednesday. That means we have 3 makeup days. The local public school day has one more than us because they took off for a cold day. Well, our superintendant has decided to take President's Day and then who knows where the other two will be taken. I would prefer them to take them on Spring Break, but we will see. The kids's last day is June 3rd and 4th for teachers. I really want that to stay but we will see. I get out a week before Cody and Carleigh and would love to have that time to organize and clean and also to see their Preschool Awards and Cody's Preschool Graduation.

So today, it will be laundry, cleaning, and grading portfolios. Ahhh...the life but I do not want to see snow fall again until next winter!!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Man! That's one of the things I like about homeschool. No snow days (thus no make up days either). Some of my homeschool friends give their children the same snow days the public schools get. Not moi, lol.

And I hear you about the 1 inch. I found myself shoveling like a mad woman yesterday afternoon. Our drive has a very steep sloap and Carl can't get the truck in the garage if the drive isn't shoveled out. Sooo cold out there shoveling. And we too were supposed to get "one inch." 4 inches later...