Monday, January 21, 2008

Rough Night

We had a rough night last night. After putting Cody to bed, we gave Carleigh cough medicine for a cough she had developed earlier in the day. She gagged a little bit but the medicine went down. As she was brushing her teeth on the lap of Matt, she started this Exorcist spewing! Ick!!!!!! It went everywhere: on her, sofa chair, carpet and on her daddy! It tramatized her and it took a half an hour to get her to calm down. After everything was cleaned up, I took her to bed and we read a couple of books until all was calm. Then around 3:30am, she woke up coughing bad and she wouldn't go back to bed. After moving her around everywhere, she finally crashed around 5am. Reminds me of those good ole days when they were infants! I moved to the couch, but didn't get much sleep thanks to garbage trucks, people talking REALLY loud, and the sound of engines outside my window. Not a fun night! The only one who really got a good's night rest was the Codeman.

We are going to try the cough medicine again because she sounds really bad and is running a low grade fever. We are hoping we do not have to make a trip to the dr's office. (When Carleigh gets a cough, it usually ends in croup or bronchitis so we are hoping to prevent both of those scenarios.)

Thank goodness I had today off or I would have been a zombie in the classroom!

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