Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Extra day off!

Woooohooo!! Our Superintendant gave us an extra day off due to the snow and the fact that most schools are not going back until Thursday! Doesn't matter to me! I just love having another day home with my little ones, although Cody goes to preschool for the morning (if no delays due to possible snow).

Here is something really strange. We were over at our friends' house this evening and I was joking around saying that I hope we get a snow day. I said this last year when we were over at their house for the Super Bowl and it started to snow. Well, when I got home, there was a message on our machine saying school was cancelled due to a water main break. Well, we arrived home to find a message on our machine saying that school was cancelled for tomorrow. Deja' vu? Blessing in disguise?! I think we need to go over to their house more if school continues to get cancelled!!

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