Friday, January 04, 2008

I surived the first "week" back and other ramblings

Well, I made it through my first "week" back at school! Of course it was only 2 days, but thank goodness it was only two days! It is so hard to get back into the routine of getting up at 5:45am and going and going until 11pm.

Matt and I are going to make a big decision regarding our family this weekend. Please keep us in your prayers. I will go into more specifics once we decide what is best for our family.

We are also trying to decide on job situations for the both of us. In the next few months, I have a major decision to make. We are praying for the Lord's guidance and His plan in all of our decisions.

Brrrrr! It has been soooo cold here in Ohio staying in the low teens at night. I love my new coat because it is nice and soooo warm! And the best thing about it all is that I got it for 50% off!! Woohoo! I just love sales!

1 comment:

Toni said...

I sooo need a new coat too. Didn't even think to check the post Christmas sales (duh).

I'm praying for clear direction, Jen. I know you're challenged by some serious decisions regarding job and family. God will be faithful to direct your path, as you and Matt are faithful to pray for His direction.