Friday, January 11, 2008

Birthday Preparations

Tonight, we went grocery shopping and shopping for Cody's birthday party. We picked a "Curious George" theme since Cody absolutely LOVES Curious George right now. He has a soft George that he sleeps with and when you squeeze its belly, his face will glow! We found Curious George plates, napkins, party horns, hats and candles. I have decided to be adventurous and make his birthday cake this year. In the past, one of our friends has made it, but I found several cute ideas online and am excited to make his cake. I have reserved next Saturday morning for baking, cooling, and decorating. There is nothing like a fresh cake!

I am taking his birthday (January 16th) off from school and going to his school to bring treats and celebrate his birthday with his class. On his birthday last year, he went to school for the first time! I cannot believe that my little guy will be 4 years old in a few days. I can vividly remember bringing home a 5 lb. 2oz premie that could hardly wear premie clothes (some swallowed him in fact!).

I have NO IDEA what we are buying him as for as birthday presents. With his birthday being 3 weeks after Christmas, it is so hard to think of something special! Hopefully I will get some ideas this weekend. His birthday party is next Saturday at Richard's Pizza.

I will post a pic of his birthday cake and party pics next weekend.

1 comment:

Toni said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LITTLE MAN!!! Can't wait to see pictures, Jen. And I too cannot believe he's going to be 4. Wow!

Reece weighed 5lbs 8oz at birth. Scary thing was, he was full term.