Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy Gotcha Day Cody!

On Tuesday, January 27, 2004 our lives changed for the better. On a cold, snowy Tuesday morning I got the call on my break at school. For the next few hours, my mind was set in a whirlwind and I could hardly belief what was happening. Waiting patiently for the social worker to bring our baby boy home, we got the call that it would be easier for us to come to the hospital. It was snowing and freezing and the 10 minutes to the hospital felt like an hour. After meeting with the social worker, we met the birthmom (highly unusual at the beginning) and once I laid eyes on our son, my heart melted. Once the social worker handed him over to me in the Emergency Room exit and I strapped him into the borrowed agency car seat, I couldn't wait to get him home! We were new parents! I was a bit scared to take care of a newborn and a premie on top of that, but the joy in my heart was incredible. After 4 years of trying to build our family, our dreams came true. My mom, sister and dad were sitting on my sister's porch waiting for us to come home (mind you it was probably only 30 degrees outside. Matt's parents came over also after we arrived home. I remember that first night how tiny and how excited I was to take care of him. I was praising the Lord all night long as I fed him every 3 hours.

Happy Gotcha day Cody! On this special Gotcha Day, we will be dedicating Carleigh in the morning service at church. What a special day!

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