Thursday, July 17, 2008

Routine, Hair cutting, etc.

The kids and I have gotten into a very smooth routine during the work week. Cody and Carleigh thrive on a schedule and I have noticed better behavior with both when there is predictability on what we will do each day. At the beginning of the summer, Carleigh refused to take naps (due to an easy-going babysitter during the school year), but after a few days with the MOM in charge, she is taking naps without major tantrums.

Lately, Carleigh and Cody want me to play "Ring Around the Rosie" with them. This gives Cody the spinning stimulation that he always seeks and Carleigh just loves to dance. I have got to get that girl into dance because she loves to try to do what I can do when dancing.

I got a haircut last night and Cody REALLY noticed it. He came up to me, sat in my lap and started lifting up my hair. I talked to him about Mommy getting a haircut. I am also getting highlights tonight and will promise to post a pic tomorrow. This of course fascinated Carleigh because she is obsessed with "cutting" these days.
Apparently, she thinks the bug play tweezers are scissors and she has been going around trying to cut everyone's hair! Poor Codeman has been bothered to no end! She sneaks behind him, and then "cuts." Most of the time it scares him as well as annoying him. Who wants their hair pulled at with tweezers? Luckily his hair is too short for Carleigh to get a good grasp.

Next week, Carleigh and Cody are going to get scissor practice, but will be highly supervised by Mommy. They need this practice before school starts in September, however, I have been dreading it due to Carleigh's strange fascination with hair cutting!

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