Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Carleigh!

Three years ago today, my sweet little blonde hair, blue eyed princess was born. I wouldn't be aware of her birth until the following day as I receive a cell phone call from her social worker in my classroom. We brought her home the following day at 2 days old. I can't believe that my baby is 3 years old! I do not have any babies anymore! *sniff*

We celebrated her birthday as a family of four by having her favorite dinner - MCDONALDS and eating a special cake just for us. Since the weather was wonderful, we went on a little wagon ride and got to play out in the yard for a little bit. All in all, it was a good day for her!

Carleigh has grown into a beautiful, smart, and mischeivous little girl. She amazes me with her abilities. Many wouldn't believe what a slow start she had in life. She has come a long way! Her first day of preschool will be Monday. Oh boy! I am taking a personal day to take pictures like I did for Cody on his first day of preschool. We will then end the day by getting their yearly physicals.

Her bunny birthday party will be Saturday at 3pm. We will be shopping for party supplies, birthday gifts and cake necessities tomorrow.

Happy 3rd Birthday my sweet little girl!

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