Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Changing Old Habits

Last night, our family started a new routine. Right before bath time, we all started an exercise program that is my favorite "30 Day Shred." I really wasn't pushing the kiddos to exercise (just Matt!), however, they both wanted to join in and got some exercise as well. I am back in the saddle again and I have a 6 month goal that I WILL accomplish! We are also changing out eating habits as well and I am trying to get my metabolism under control with the help of an expert and book. I think all of these changes will help my whole family.

If you have any favorite websites that have great healthy recipes, please post them in the comments section. I greatly appreciate all the help and ideas I can find!

1 comment:

Toni said...
-love the carrot coconut soup and use quite a few recipes (and nutritional info)from this site
-use recipes from here all the time.
-he makes his own vegan lunchmeat for cryin' out loud. ;-) We've tried it and need to tweak it, but it will definitely work as a healthy alternative.
-another site I use all the time.
-occasionally visit this site when I want a fancier healthful meal. I do own several of their cookbooks as well.