Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Bedtime Changes

Normally, I sit with Carleigh until she falls asleep and Matt does likewise with Cody. We pray, read a book and then I rub her back until she falls asleep. Last night, she did not want me to rub her back and stay with her. She said that she wanted "to be by herself." Wow! I guess my baby is growing up! Of course, I stayed near the vicinity of her room to just make sure she was in her bed and not playing. She stayed in her bed and sang songs and talked to herself. I am so proud of her and it frees some time for myself in the evenings. I still can't feel a little sad because she is growing up so very quickly! Where did the time go???


Toni said...

It's so so hard to watch the seasons change, so to speak. But we know God has blessings waiting for us to discover in each new season, and memories for us to treasure forever from each that passes. What a lovely (and bittersweet) post, Jen.
p.s. Sunday, we sang, "As the deer panteth for the water" in church. Carl and I immediately looked at each other with loving smiles, as we used to sing that song to Olivia (and then Reece) every single night when she went to bed as an infant and toddler.

A Family Created By God said...

Well said Toni! Very well said!!