Wednesday, August 25, 2010

'Twas the Night Before First Grade...

'Twas the night before first grade and all through the house, quiet was restored and no child was about. Mommy was busy packing a lunch for the first time, and reminiscing of days gone by. It was like yesterday, when she brought that 5lb miracle home, and she blinked and he was 4 years old. She remembered the first time he sat up, walked, and said his first word. The day he started preschool brought tears to her eyes and now he is a first grader who will wave goodbye. Now, he'll learn to eat lunch with his friends and learn so much more, no turning back where he has been.

Mommy's heart is sad, but she knew this day would come, she is so glad to see who he has become. Happy first day of school, sweet little boy, may others see that you make my heart full of joy!

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