Monday, August 16, 2010

Explaining Death

We came home yesterday from our Lake Erie to discover that Minnie (crooked tail) had died sometime over the weekend. It was so sad for Molly who was snuggled up next to her. The gerbil that died was not very active so I am thinking it was something that she struggled with since birth. So I had to explain death for the first time. Carleigh kept saying "Daddy, she is sleeping!" So we talked about death at a 5 year old level and told her that we may get another one if the teacher has one available. She was very upset at first, but she accepted it and watched Molly (the active one) run on her wheel. May you rest in peace dear Minnie!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Ay yay yay, it's hard to explain to little ones. :(