Sunday, August 29, 2010

Carleigh, Kindergartener

Friday was another important milestone day for our family. My youngest child is now an official Kindergartener! Seriously, I do not want my babies to grow up this fast! She had a great day with her teacher, Mrs. Stehlin and was quite upset that she didn't get to ride the bus home when we "toured" it! She officially goes back on Tuesday and will be riding a regular, large school bus. She is quite an independent little thing and we hope she has an amazing school year! We noticed a familiar face in her class. "K" was a little girl that attended VBS with Carleigh at my sister's church. I am hoping that Carleigh makes a few friends this year and hopefully GIRL friends and not as many BOY friends! LOL!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Look at that little cutie. And she looks just like her momma too. ;)