Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cody, First Grader

I had the pleasure of waking up my little first grader on his first day of school. Let me tell you, he was not thrilled! I had to drag him out (not a morning person) and after he was up for like 2 minutes, he went back to his bedroom and climbed into bed!! No doubt it has been such a long day for him!!

Matt calls me after my students had left for the day and says that the school called and said Cody was absent. Ummm.....WHAT?!!! So after having a full fledge PANIC attack, I stopped, and called his school. The secretary was great for calming me down and we tried to reason out what happened. She was going to get down to the problem and call back. So I race home. Matt received a phone call from his special ed. teacher that Cody had a great day. Then, his regular ed. teacher called me to apologize and explain what happened. Apparently, Cody's bus was late and he was not there when attendance was taken. Once it is sent to the office, an automated message gets sent to the parents. I like that they are proactive but that really sends parents in panic mode when they KNOW their child got onto the bus and with so many horror stories of kidnappings and kids falling asleep on a bus....I was totally freaking out!

What a totally stressful day (it's a good thing I have a great class this year) and I have to do it again tomorrow with Miss Princess!!

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