Wednesday, August 04, 2010


I recently read a blog about homeschooling and its superiority. First of all, education is different for each child. What is best for one child is not best for another child.

Case in point, my children. Both of my children have special-needs and require extensive private physical, speech and occupational therapy inside and outside of the school district. I would not even fathom taking them out of all their services so that I could home-school them. They are being instructed by professionals who specialize in what they do. They attend public school and are flourishing. No, they are not being taught about the Lord, but we do that at home as well as our church. I'll be honest that I could not do what these wonderful educators do. Public education is best for them.

I am not bashing home-schooling in any way. I am just offended by individuals who think that homeschooling is the superior way and if you are not homeschooling them you are inferior or worldly! I have lots of friends who home school and that works best for their families. These friends do not have that superior attitude.

The blogger then went on to talk badly about "religious schools." I can tell by her sentence that she obviously had never attended or sent her children to a Christian school. As most of you are well aware, I am a teacher at a Christian school. It totally offended me when I heard her saying that "religious schools" are erroneous and worldly. I beg to differ because we teach the Word of God and the truth. We attended conferences and workshops about the world view and we teach the truth. This is not to say that we are perfect and our students are perfect. No, we are not perfect, but no one on the earth is!

Families come in different sizes and situations. It's awesome that some families are blessed to have moms who stay home. This is not an option to a lot of families (like myself), especially single parents. Therefore, the option to home-school is more of an option for those who have one parent at home.

I am thankful to live in a country in which I can decide how my child is educated. I am also thankful to the Lord for the knowledge He has given me to decide what is best for my children in the areas of education.

Whether it be public, private or home-school education, I know that not one of these choices is superior, but what is best for CHILD is what is to be determined!


4Me2Know said...

Well said, Jen. ;)

TeacherJen said...

Thanks Toni! I was trying not to offend anyone like I was offended!

The Whole Daggone Parm Bunch said...

The cost to raise kids is overwhelming let alone putting private school tuition on top of that. People have their own opinions of educating their children. To each his own. I send my kids to public schools and that does not make me less of a mother either. We looked into sending them to a private school but decided on saving that money for their college education instead which makes more sense to us.