Tuesday, June 29, 2010


We are getting ready for a yard sale and vacation, so I thought it would be a good time to get rid of old toys, clothes that do not fit the kids, and just things that add clutter. Last night, I tackled the kids' bedroom closets. I hauled away 4 bags of trash and redeemed four tubs full of items for our yard sale. Tonight's goal is my bedroom (plus a trip to the bike trail/playground) and the laundry room. When I flip channels and briefly watch shows on hoarding, it makes me want to throw something away. I am not a hoarder per se, but I definitely could be if I was not diligent. It is just sad how people live in a house with so much clutter and garbage!

Off my soapbox now, I also wanted to share that we think Cody lost his other front tooth sometime between Memorial Day and 2 weeks ago. I was looking at photos of Memorial Day and noticed how both front teeth were there plus a permanent tooth. Then, when I was posting pics the other day, I noticed that the other tooth was gone. I guess we'll never know what happened to that tooth. (My guesses are that he swallowed it when he ate something hard.) So that makes 3 teeth he has lost! I guess I'll just have to check his teeth once a week to see where all the loose ones are!

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